It’s a great honor for Optima Health Care, Inc to develop a relationship with you in the area of Home Health Services. Our mission is to bring our extensive experience to patients home and make them our number one priority. We make sure the time with us is as healing as it is under your doctor’s care. We provide in home visits with licensed RN and LVN nursing, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist, Social Services, and Certified Home Health Aid.
Who is eligible for home healthcare?
- Are you 65 or older?
- Have you been diagnosed with a new illness?
- Has your medication recently changed?
- Has your medical condition recently changed?
- Do you require therapy services?
- Would you rather be cared for at home?
- Have you been hospitalized recently?
- Do you feel you’re at risk for a fall?
If you answered yes to two or more of these questions, OPTIMA Home Halthcare could be for you. Speak with your physician or call optima 818-507-6957 to discuss your treatment options.
We offer a full range of services.
- Skilled nursing
- Physical, occupational and speech-language therapy
- Cardiac and pulmonary care
- Neurorehabilitation
- Wound care
- Infusion services
- Disease and pain management
- Medication management and education
- Patient education to promote self-management
- Treatment for balance problems that can lead to fall risks

“There are many medicines and cures for all kinds of sick people. But unless kind hands are given in service and generous hearts are given in love, I do not think there can ever be any cure for the terrible sickness of feeling unloved.”
- Mother Teresa